
To make Cuckoo run properly with the Android Emulator, install these required software and libraries on the Cuckoo host.

Additional Software

Linux dependencies are required:

$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre libstdc++6:i386 libgcc1:i386 zlib1g:i386 libncurses5:i386

Install Android SDK

Android SDK is a strict requirement for the Cuckoo android_on_linux guest component (analyzer) to run properly.

Download the latest SDK from the official website.

After downloading the SDK, go to the folder containing the .tgz file:

$ tar -xvf android-sdk_r24.0.2-linux.tgz
$ cd android-sdk
$ tools/android

In The Android SDK Manager, check to install the following components:

  • Tools
    • Android SDK Tools
    • Android Platform-tools Tools
    • newest Android SDK Tools
  • Android 4.1.2 (API 16)
    • SDK Platform
    • ARM EABI v7a System Image

The android SDK tool needs to be added to the $PATH variable:

$ export PATH=$PATH:sdk_path/tool:sdk_path/build-tools/x.x.x.x/:sdk_path/platform-tools

Create Android Virtual Device

Start the Android Virtual Device Manager:

$ android avd

Press Create.. and add the following configurations:

AVD Name - aosx
Device - Nexus One
Target - android 4.1.2
Cpu/Abi - arm
Ram - 512mb
Vm Heap - 32
Internal Storage - 512mb
Sdcard size - 512 mib
Emulation options - use host GPU

and click OK.


Prepare the Android Virtual Device Reference Machine for Analysis

Start the emulator with /system in read-write mode:

$ emulator -avd aosx -qemu -nand -system,size=0x1f400000,file=<sdk_path>/system-images/android-16/default/armeabi-v7a/system.img&

Run the script in utils/android_emulator_creator/

  • Press settings->security->screenlock->none

  • Press settings->Display->sleep->30 minutes

  • Start Generate contacts app

  • Start Supersuser app

  • Start xposedinstaller app

  • In Modules, check both packages Droidmon , Android Blue Pill

  • Press framework -> install -> cancel-> soft reboot

After the reboot, close the machine.

You have now created a reference machine to duplicate each analysis instead of reverting to snapshot.